Irrigation machinery in a field appears to split the image into three distinct sections of color

Agro-Ecology and Cropping Systems

Ecophysiology research for improved water use efficiency and soil health in cropping systems

Research for healthy production systems

Our Agro-Ecology and Cropping Systems program focuses on the ecophysiological mechanisms of soil-plant-water interactions for improving water use efficiency and soil health in cropping systems. Our main research areas are:

  • Characterization of plant traits for improved water acquisition, adaptation and resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses;
  • Application of ground-based sensors for remote detection of soil, plant root and canopy features;
  • Quantification of soil parameters that indicate microbial and root activities under natural and managed ecosystems; and
  • Quantitative models that describe soil water movement, plant root water uptake in agricultural soils.

Research projects

Program Faculty and Staff

Xuejun Dong, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Agronomy, Principal Investigator, Texas A&M AgriLife Research



A full selection of Dr. Chandra’s publications is available at TAMU Scholars along with information about researchers and peer-reviewed publications across The Texas A&M University System.

Dennis Genovesi, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Justin Eads

Research Associate

Sandy Wisdorf

Non-Affiliated Student Assistant

Jennifer Haught

Graduate Assistant 

Meghyn Meeks, Ph.D.

Assistant Research Scientist

S.T. Kong

Research Assistant

Martin Guerrero Rojas

Agriculture Research Worker I

portrait of man

Chase Martin

Extension Associate and Graduate Student